post again
today got go out..haha
went bugis wof jinglin , wenyi , shihua , huiying
meet at 1130
but wenyi dunno sot de come so early
abt 1145 all come liao
jiu take 190 to dunno where but near CHIJMES ba
then walk all the way to bugis
jinglin and huiying siao le
then jiu went foodcourt eat
eat full full le ,
jiu go tak neo
first one okok
second one chao nan kan . hao shi bai
jiu went to bugis street
chao hot de
we walk ii tink 3 times ba
cos raining at dat time
ii bought 3 shirts seh.
two same as huiying..
left in my wallet $4. hah
heng mum nvr scold.
aft dat walk liao
wenyi go home lor
then we see got bus 80 ma
aft a long tinking
we decided walk to where we alight juz now
wa! so far
leg hen pain
they intended go fareast
but in the end nvr
so call in the bus
ii there shivering
rain so heavy somemore
reach lot one already 6+ liao
jinglin and shihua went to sandra hse ii tink
acc huiying go top up card
then meet mum
jiu go home
reach home arnd 7+
went go see doc
then went teck whye eat
10+ jiu reach home
now here posting.
post nxt time
Friday, May 30
Thursday, May 29
jinglin and sandra ask mii do dis.
1) If your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be?
- of cos is sad .
2. If you can have a dream come true, what would it be?
- of cos is get good results for exams
3. What will your dream wedding be like?
-hmm...romantic?? nvr come to think of it yet.
4. Are you confused as to what lies ahead of you?
-hello?? what are you toking abt??
5. What is your ideal lover like?
-shuaige , faithful to mii , wont lie to mii.
6. Which is more blessed? Loving someone or being loved by someone?
- being loved by someone
7. How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?
- dunno?? until ii intend give up.
8. If the person you like is already attached, what would you do?
of cos is giv up la..
9. Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?
- nvr study , parents start nagging???
1o. Is being tagged fun?
- half yes+ half no
11. How do you see yourself in 1o years time?
-office girl?? in university studying??
12. Who are currently the most important people to you?
-friends and family
13. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
- my good friends
14. Would you rather be single but rich or married but poor?
- ii dunno??
15. Whats the first thing you do every morning?
- brush teeth
16. Would you give up all in relationship?
- depends
17. If you fall in love in two people simultaneously, who would you pick?
- hmm.. the one ii love , love mii too..
18. What type of friends do you like?
- friendly , caring , honest
19. What type of friends do you dislike?
-liars , backstabbers , betrayer
ppl hu are going to be tagged :
1) sandra
2) joeslyn
3) jinglin
4) shihua
5) nathaynia
6) huiying
other one ~
1. Whats good or bad happening around you now few days ago?
-got.but dun wanna say
2. Live is a burden or happiness to you?
- both. sometimes happy sometime sad
3. If you have got a machine to rewind back to the past, what would you want to rewind back to?
-hmm..when ii was was baby or a small kid??
4. What is the most angry thing that happened?
-so angry until dun wanna say
5. Do you think your closest friends will betray you?
- ii hope not
6. Who is the one on your enemy(s) list?
- dunno..ii dun wanna to tink.
7. Which of those friends do you think is worth for you? Why?
-of cos is can be trusted . so that wat ever thing the friend wun betrayed uu
8. Have you did anything foolish because of a boy/girl?
- nope. hu will be so foolish?
9. What are the things you wished for?
- always happy and healthy
1o. Which song bring you memories?
- hmm.. haven come to tink of it
11. If you have got in trouble, who do you think will come and help you?
- hope is my friends?
12. How is your dream boy/girl like?
- ehh..ii tot ask already??
13. Would you choose to rescue your stead or best friend when they are drowning?
- erm..see first la.. got life buoy ma. if found two throw all it lor
14. If there is a chance who will you choose to spend your lifetime with?
-family and friends
15. Who is the one you choose to kill if theres only one chance?
- haven tink of it yet
16. From top to toe, which part do you want to change?
- dunno??
17. Who is the one you wanna love the most?
- my family!!
18. You would choose to be rich or happy?
- happy
19. Would you betray someone close to you for the sake of money
- of cos not la.. ii not money-minded . ok??
2o. What is the thing you wanna do the most.
- go and watch tv
10 ppl to complete and pass on the survey :
1) sandra
2) joeslyn
3) shihua
9) liqi
1) If your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be?
- of cos is sad .
2. If you can have a dream come true, what would it be?
- of cos is get good results for exams
3. What will your dream wedding be like?
-hmm...romantic?? nvr come to think of it yet.
4. Are you confused as to what lies ahead of you?
-hello?? what are you toking abt??
5. What is your ideal lover like?
-shuaige , faithful to mii , wont lie to mii.
6. Which is more blessed? Loving someone or being loved by someone?
- being loved by someone
7. How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?
- dunno?? until ii intend give up.
8. If the person you like is already attached, what would you do?
of cos is giv up la..
9. Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?
- nvr study , parents start nagging???
1o. Is being tagged fun?
- half yes+ half no
11. How do you see yourself in 1o years time?
-office girl?? in university studying??
12. Who are currently the most important people to you?
-friends and family
13. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
- my good friends
14. Would you rather be single but rich or married but poor?
- ii dunno??
15. Whats the first thing you do every morning?
- brush teeth
16. Would you give up all in relationship?
- depends
17. If you fall in love in two people simultaneously, who would you pick?
- hmm.. the one ii love , love mii too..
18. What type of friends do you like?
- friendly , caring , honest
19. What type of friends do you dislike?
-liars , backstabbers , betrayer
ppl hu are going to be tagged :
1) sandra
2) joeslyn
3) jinglin
4) shihua
5) nathaynia
6) huiying
other one ~
1. Whats good or bad happening around you now few days ago?
-got.but dun wanna say
2. Live is a burden or happiness to you?
- both. sometimes happy sometime sad
3. If you have got a machine to rewind back to the past, what would you want to rewind back to?
-hmm..when ii was was baby or a small kid??
4. What is the most angry thing that happened?
-so angry until dun wanna say
5. Do you think your closest friends will betray you?
- ii hope not
6. Who is the one on your enemy(s) list?
- dunno..ii dun wanna to tink.
7. Which of those friends do you think is worth for you? Why?
-of cos is can be trusted . so that wat ever thing the friend wun betrayed uu
8. Have you did anything foolish because of a boy/girl?
- nope. hu will be so foolish?
9. What are the things you wished for?
- always happy and healthy
1o. Which song bring you memories?
- hmm.. haven come to tink of it
11. If you have got in trouble, who do you think will come and help you?
- hope is my friends?
12. How is your dream boy/girl like?
- ehh..ii tot ask already??
13. Would you choose to rescue your stead or best friend when they are drowning?
- erm..see first la.. got life buoy ma. if found two throw all it lor
14. If there is a chance who will you choose to spend your lifetime with?
-family and friends
15. Who is the one you choose to kill if theres only one chance?
- haven tink of it yet
16. From top to toe, which part do you want to change?
- dunno??
17. Who is the one you wanna love the most?
- my family!!
18. You would choose to be rich or happy?
- happy
19. Would you betray someone close to you for the sake of money
- of cos not la.. ii not money-minded . ok??
2o. What is the thing you wanna do the most.
- go and watch tv
10 ppl to complete and pass on the survey :
1) sandra
2) joeslyn
3) shihua
9) liqi
jinglin , sandra , joeslyn , nathaynia ask mii do the quiz
Rules- Each blogger start with 1o random facts, habits about themselves. Blogger that have been tagged need to post on their blog about 1o things. At the end of this, you gotta choose 1o people, list them and tag them on the blog. Dont forget to comment on their blog that they have been tagged. Shall start now. (:
1)ii love watching movies.
2)ii hope can get good results in SA2
3)ii hope no fan dao!
4)go malaysia for holiday
5)Be a carefree person
6)more teddy bears
7) go out more often
8) frens will not fan kai stay 2gether alwaes
9)be happy!
10)hope no school of cos
10 person to do this thingy:
Rules- Each blogger start with 1o random facts, habits about themselves. Blogger that have been tagged need to post on their blog about 1o things. At the end of this, you gotta choose 1o people, list them and tag them on the blog. Dont forget to comment on their blog that they have been tagged. Shall start now. (:
1)ii love watching movies.
2)ii hope can get good results in SA2
3)ii hope no fan dao!
4)go malaysia for holiday
5)Be a carefree person
6)more teddy bears
7) go out more often
8) frens will not fan kai stay 2gether alwaes
9)be happy!
10)hope no school of cos
10 person to do this thingy:
after coming nearly one month ,
finally updated my deadly blog liao..
oso ii hav changed my blogskins liao
rather plain trying to find others .
but nice ..
now holidays liao.
boring ,sian , nthing to do
is all ii hav to say.
talk on some days ba
its the last day of sch .
during the investiture , rather boring can say.
then went to do duty.
mine the first to finish.
then aft a few hrs , abt 2
dad n mum come liao.
talk talk talk , then went home liao
ii got 6 position , level position 36.
then reach home played com , dun feel lyk eating.
then ii tink at nite went out.
then nthing intresting happened.
27.05.08 & 29.05.08
these two days went for remedial.
and ii can say 2/3 so few ppl come lor
first day: mii, sandra, jinglin, nat, weiqi , yoga , yaohui , ii tink
secod day:mii , sandra , jinglin , nat , wei qi , yoga , he jie , hidahya.
soo pathetic sia..
then went wif jinglin go lot one buy LJS then went home
cos sandra n joeslyn de daddy come take their report book.
soo boring..
nothing to say liao..
will post if hav intresting to post ba..
and nat help mii photocopy k?
ii remind uu liao.
after coming nearly one month ,
finally updated my deadly blog liao..
oso ii hav changed my blogskins liao
rather plain trying to find others .
but nice ..
now holidays liao.
boring ,sian , nthing to do
is all ii hav to say.
talk on some days ba
its the last day of sch .
during the investiture , rather boring can say.
then went to do duty.
mine the first to finish.
then aft a few hrs , abt 2
dad n mum come liao.
talk talk talk , then went home liao
ii got 6 position , level position 36.
then reach home played com , dun feel lyk eating.
then ii tink at nite went out.
then nthing intresting happened.
27.05.08 & 29.05.08
these two days went for remedial.
and ii can say 2/3 so few ppl come lor
first day: mii, sandra, jinglin, nat, weiqi , yoga , yaohui , ii tink
secod day:mii , sandra , jinglin , nat , wei qi , yoga , he jie , hidahya.
soo pathetic sia..
then went wif jinglin go lot one buy LJS then went home
cos sandra n joeslyn de daddy come take their report book.
soo boring..
nothing to say liao..
will post if hav intresting to post ba..
and nat help mii photocopy k?
ii remind uu liao.
Monday, May 12
jinglin , joeslyn they all ask mii do the survey
here it is.
1. What age do you wish to marry?
-20+.aiya let fate decide
2. What you want the most right now? pass my good english and enjoy myself of cos
3. What do you want to be in your next life?
- catholic wont tou dai le..but if can ii wan be a carefree girl..
4. Something to describe yourself.
what is me is me
5. If you can have 1 more dream to come true, what would it be?
to pass all my exams wif good grades
6. What are you afraid to lose now?
-family and friends
7. Do you believe in ETERNAL love?
-of course. who doesnt
8. If you meet someone you love, will you confess to him/her? way. so shy sia..hahax
9. How would you spend your 2oobucks?
- to buy all my favourite things of course. but ii longning to buy
1o. What are the requirement(s) that you yearn from your other half?
-love me very much , tall ok..cute or shuaii is optional..hahax
11. So you cherish every of your friendship?
-of cos.
12. What type of person do you hate th most?
-erm..backstabbers. and irrtating ppl
13. Do you believe in God?
-yupp..ii m a catholic leh.
14. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
-erm. family and studies ba
15. Do you find it a need for you to have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
-dunno leh..but now ii dun need it..ii hav my friends.other time ii cant predict
16. What do you want your friends to be like?
-to know everyone very well , friendly
17. What are the things that you will think of?
-ii dunno. nvr come to think of it. think of everytink jiu think lor..haha
18. What is your favourite hobby?
-play la..ii not a active person. but play is the best leh.
19. If you're feeling low one day, who will you go to?
-to my friends hu noe wat happen
-my brother and sister
2o. How will you spend your time if today is your last day on Earth?
-to spend with all my besties:
-my other friends of cos.
say byebye to them and to be together the next life
and oso to fufill my wishes.
thats all
here it is.
1. What age do you wish to marry?
-20+.aiya let fate decide
2. What you want the most right now? pass my good english and enjoy myself of cos
3. What do you want to be in your next life?
- catholic wont tou dai le..but if can ii wan be a carefree girl..
4. Something to describe yourself.
what is me is me
5. If you can have 1 more dream to come true, what would it be?
to pass all my exams wif good grades
6. What are you afraid to lose now?
-family and friends
7. Do you believe in ETERNAL love?
-of course. who doesnt
8. If you meet someone you love, will you confess to him/her? way. so shy sia..hahax
9. How would you spend your 2oobucks?
- to buy all my favourite things of course. but ii longning to buy
1o. What are the requirement(s) that you yearn from your other half?
-love me very much , tall ok..cute or shuaii is optional..hahax
11. So you cherish every of your friendship?
-of cos.
12. What type of person do you hate th most?
-erm..backstabbers. and irrtating ppl
13. Do you believe in God?
-yupp..ii m a catholic leh.
14. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
-erm. family and studies ba
15. Do you find it a need for you to have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
-dunno leh..but now ii dun need it..ii hav my friends.other time ii cant predict
16. What do you want your friends to be like?
-to know everyone very well , friendly
17. What are the things that you will think of?
-ii dunno. nvr come to think of it. think of everytink jiu think lor..haha
18. What is your favourite hobby?
-play la..ii not a active person. but play is the best leh.
19. If you're feeling low one day, who will you go to?
-to my friends hu noe wat happen
-my brother and sister
2o. How will you spend your time if today is your last day on Earth?
-to spend with all my besties:
-my other friends of cos.
say byebye to them and to be together the next life
and oso to fufill my wishes.
thats all
long time no see liao..
nvr post due to exam.
mii study very hard leh.
hahax..but ii hen scared
going to upload pictures before posting
my tours~

long time no see liao..
nvr post due to exam.
mii study very hard leh.
hahax..but ii hen scared
going to upload pictures before posting
my tours~

mii, nat girlfriend,shihua mummy

After posting pictures let mii tok ba

nat ,mine , jinglin de bubble tea
After posting pictures let mii tok ba
2nd may2008
chinese paper ok la..can do .
hope can pass.
aft dat jiu go lot one then go home.
miss home la..
english paper!
OMG! ii miss 2 pages gone liao
hope can pass.
sob sob..
if pass ii 谢天谢地 liao.
dont dare tink too far liao.
go lot one ii tink.jiu home sweet home liao.
nid study la..maths lei.
ii study until 12.30.
maths paper!!! paper 1 ok la..can do
some question ii duno..haiix
give away
nat say ii do very fast . got meh? ii lyk do very slow le leh..
paper 2 ii dun even noe some lor..
aft paper went lot one go home
then sandra they all come my hse..
aww~ so sweet.haha
but ii cant find them
then until 5 reach home . play com awhile jiu study geo liao .
study agn until 12+
ii tink ii going burn midnight oil every night.
ii tink ii going burn midnight oil every night.
7 may2008
geo paper. do anyhow la..
duno how do..
ii dun care. forgt liao
hope pass lor.
aft dat go home..ii tink is here ii miss the stop nid walk home..hahax
then at nite study for sci.
so many to study lor .
bio, chem , physics.
haiix..12+ agn.
sci papar. chem and physics is okiie la..
but when come to bio . gonecase.
dono how do
hard lyk siao..
then jiu home swee home
go do art until 12+ agn
art . not so bad la..juhst draw lor
kelian those hu do in class .
cannot complete
then when coming out dad n or come
shock mii sia
ii give them a blur look
jiu go ngee ann collect tshiet then go singapore poly.
jiu go katong buy laska..haha
then gicv mum food jiu proceed home
play come then went out
today is the eve of mother day.
went to dono where celebrate mother day.
giv mom and ahma present
a massaging chair
hen ex leh.hahax
jiu go home lor
wanying ask mii buy ice-cream from her.
but ii cannot cos sick.
nxt time sure buy.
today is mother day! WISH ALL MOTHER A HAPPY MOTHER DAY!
today no special programme
go sim lim square to get mii a brand new speaker cos it spoil hav sparks then cannot liao
shun bian buy keyboard
and ii can say my previous one sucks.
jiu study for home econs.
at nite stomach pain until wanna cry and vomit
pain until cannot describe.
home econs. can do and there was a blackout . LOL
do liao jiu go tak 67 then 190 to far east
eat at there. share wif nat ii eat alot of vegetablle. LOL
then go this fashion .
abt 11+ we left without wenyi and huiying.
due to some reasons which cannot be describe.
then we roam arnd singpore
jinglin is outr tour guide.
our tourguide hen young neh
ii frm "japan" . LOL
ii frm "japan" . LOL
then tak 132 t hougang then 51 to jurong
188 to chao chu kang
ii alight first
jiu home sweet home la..
just come bak frm outside.
hao le now here saying sayonara.byebye
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