Monday, August 31



today went to school. see majority of the assumptionites wearing uniform. is like wthhhh~ me and sandra only wore pe attire. reached sch, only me, wenyi, and jinglin wore pe attire in our class. was scared for getting caught as it was a tie day. but lucky did not get caught. mygoshh~

had 2.4km walk. chit chat with wenyi, jinglin and liqi along the way. went back to class. sms friends if they giong back dlss. worte cards for teacher all that. went to hall,watched the performance. overall it was dance especially the dance segments. after school, teacher smsed me saying tuition changed time. so i followed jinglin, sandra and joeslyn to lot. eat kfc.

walk around, bought disc. continue to slack. at interchange walked around. bused 300 home. played com and make my background for my story. but the words could not be seen. so give up. dinner and had tuition. now finished already.. posting. tomorrow there no school. maybe going sandra house watch movie.

okay. i gonna go and do my revision if am going out tomorrow.

Sunday, August 30



yesterday went for the youth rally. nat did not go. but i did not really accompany nana. sorry. D:meet at 10am at the canteen. rachael cam first.chit chat with her. went and took the tshirt.
sherlyn and kelly came soon after. nana also come aftermath. had group bonding at la verna room. quite lame but its okay. played some games and had sharing session. the whole meaning of playing is that god will open the door for you and he will always be there when you need him. i think so bah. went to change. and i say it not nice. so yellow. went to had our lunch at canteen. shared with racheal. went to toliet and bought drinks outside the church and headed back. took the bus to St.Ignatius church. went in. sat with jennifer, sherlyn, kelly, racheal and her friend. had praise and worship at first. kelly went crazy suddenly. me and sherlyn so called avoid her. had talk by a fatherand a ski. the ski is quite interesting and funny. had another talk by a charity foundation? i felt sleepy at that time keep on sleeping lah. then had a dance. my eyes keep on closing. had mass aftermath. finished at 4.50. board the bus and went back to St. Mary. went to toliet to change. bused to westmall and mrt to lot one with sherlyn and jennifer. chat with them while waiting for bus. went seperate ways and went to find parents. i was so pissed at that time. say they there in the end they haven reach. bought dinner back. reached home, played with clarice. she keep on bully me. boo D: after dinner went to basketball court to see basketball match. home about 30 mins later. sis bathe clarice i helped her too.. watched tv and i doze off. went to sleep at 9+.

today woke up at 10+. finally get to sleep till so long. watched tv and went to bathe. get ready to go church. went to church and after that went to jurong east to eat curry fish head. went home, changed went to auntie buddha there to pray for studies and gor's leg to recover. went back home, watched tv. did not eat dinner too full. headed to pasir ris. went to 7-11 to buy things. bro left soon after. went back home. watched tv, did homework. tomorrow is teachers' day celebration. maybe home after school. need to revise on my work.

Friday, August 28

Reply taggs.

LIQI'[: : Relink me

Melinda: Relink you soon.

BENJAMIN TRAVIS THE VIP: WASSUP taggy >:D you better give one BACK

Melinda: Yar.. i will sooonnn..

SANDRA: tagged tagged. your blog so dead. =/ hahaha. tagg miii! (: update moreeeeee!

Melinda: thanks for tagging. :D yar lor. dead alrd. will tagg you. update alrd.

SANDRA: your blog song sooooo niceeeeeeeeeee

Melinda: hahahaha.. thanks thanks:D

sockwei: remember to update when you use your com:)

Melinda: okok. btw.. i got use com but i never update. lazyyy..

sockwei: here to tag

Melinda: thankiies. will tag you back soon.

mood swings 360 degrees


so many things happen these days. i lost my ipod by dunno what. maybe is ppl steal?
i lost on wednesday and i never notice till going home that time. nearly cried in the bus today got things happen in 3/3. people things got stolen somemore is round my area too. haiix. it so complicated.

On wednesday got scolding form parent for losing my ipod. father said will never buy another ipod for me. no mood to eat dinner and went into dad room. cried.. after awhile, went to take my dinner and watch tv. went to lot with mom. dunno for what reason, my tears just flow down. mood change 360 degrees.. but at night after he came back from his meeting, he wierd one. say he got money then buy????? dunno when lor.. cannot trust. mom say will buy for me one of these days.

On thurday, it the normal timetable. F&N no lesson. chat with kahmun and dhaliena till 9am. watched video too. read my book for awhile and i pass the book to dhaliena and i went to lala land. slept till bell ring. went for mt. do ws and free time. recess then history. i got 76 for my CA2. took notes etc. physics, mdm liew never come. did test paper. my science is deproving i need to practice moreee... social studies, teacher go throught things.

On Friday, had normal lessons. chemistry did group work and took down notes,social studies did class work, english change to physics. took papers for the HCI and copy down notes. went for recess. after recess, got things happen. people things missing. lesson disrupted. bag check continue to study. Ms linna came in after awhile, talk talk. those who lost things need write green form say what happen.. went to give hanqiang his paper and went to study area. did questions. wenyi came soon after. chit chat and went to hall to see the rehersal. went to toliet with jinglin and wenyi several times to pick wenyi's call. went back and short while, went out of school. bused 67 to lot one. ate piazza hut for lunch. and went to library and laser flair. went to sunshine place to see vcd. we parted ways and i meet gorgor. went to fetch mother and headed home. ate nasi lemak for dinner. slept awhile and its tuition time. now i am done with my tuition and i came to post.

i doubt it will come back :( :( :(

Saturday, August 8

i really need to buck up on my studies!
i cant fail anymore subjects.
thats means i need to start studying from now!
thats means i could not go out anymore till EOY!
going home after school etc.
lesser computer times.
i need good results for EOY!
this is my aim...

this week nothing much in school.
could not go for mt and stuff.
went for early recess.

yesterday had national day celebration. end at 10+...
went to huiying house. and bused and mrt-ed to chinese garden at 1 plus.
met with mummy and daddy.
went home watched butterfly lovers. slept while watching. woke up at 7 plus.
eat dinner and continued watching. played computer.
slept at 2 plus.

today maybe going out and eat.
havent confirmed yet.

Monday, August 3


hello! blogger again got problem le.
Our class have people contrated H1N1.
need go early recess, cannot go for f&n and mt.
other class cannot come for history lesson etc..
and noo cca. this one is not so bad lah. i also dont like cca. hehe.

Today send liqi down as she have fever.
get well soon yea!i very boring leh. no one talk to during lessons.
i know for once hanqiang is so scared to die. LOL.
say want change school etc...
now have cough le. but is not sick ok????

left for home right after school.
photocopy papers. i dont know how it could dissappear all of a sudden. maybe i placed it somewhere.
tomorrow gonna ask bah.

end of post

Sunday, August 2

i want to be immune from getting sick!

I really admit that i really fall sick super easy..

Friday, meet dad at lot one after taking 975 with sandra, joeslyn and jinglin.I nearly fainted while waiting for him. went to doctor, temperature 38.5 degrees. took medicine and went home. dad go buy my lunch.changed and went to dad room and sleep. dad ask me go back to my room.
6.20 woke up, eat my porridge. grandma felt my head, very very hot. she sponged me with cold water all that. took temperature 40.1 degrees. it is the same temperature for the next 40 mins.
the water grandma sponged me is getting colder each time. took medicine, went to sleep till 10+.
woke up, fever gone down le. 37.2 degrees. eat bread, watch tv and took medicine. went to sleep again.

Saturday, stayed at home all day long. watched video all that. picked up brother ar pasir ris there. went to farm mart there and eat. did not eat much. was too full. went back home and eat medicine again. wanted to do homework but in the end went to sleep.

Sunday, did not go for funfair thingy. friends called ask why i never come. told them. they made him wake up. whole afternoon did homework. felt much better and went to evening mass. studied my physics while waiting. went to west coast and eat dinner. and we had a long journey to pasir ris. shopped around white sand and brother went off. he next week can only come back on saturday. cause he need to do guard duty. went to giant, homed. computer and do homework. studied my test. and now blog.

I also changed my new blogskin le. and re-link people after so many donkey years.
I also made my wretch blog. is like finallyyyyy....