Monday, September 7

saturday and sunday was a busy day for me.

saturday woke up at 8. sis came and woke me up. boo! brushed teeth , follow mum, dad and clarice to keat hong to buy breakfast. slept in the car. had breakfast, bathe. played with baby clarice. went to lot one, with bro, parents and clarice too. home. made milk for clarice and i finally can have my lunch. played com. gorgor bryan came at 5.30. changed and at 6.45 sat gorgor bryan car to 7 sensation restuarant at little india. funny things happen when we at there. and is so packed. had vegetarian or organic food. its nice. had alot. went to marina barrage. its super nice. i want go again. one big grass patch there. home sweet home after that.

sunday, woke up and went to chruch. its freaking cold when i get in. had flu and i sneezed throughtout the mass. bought back home lunch. went to sunshine place to see doctor with bro and mum. went to meet nat at cck. i was late. sorry. went to wenyi house, shengshiong. did baking and sushi. everything ended at 6.30pm. thanks wenyi for cleaning th place. sandra and joeslyn' father send us home at 8.30. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

today had maths remedial. went home, had lunch at jurong west.went to giant, home, watched tv and did my tuition homework. now here posting.

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